Thursday, December 16, 2010

Music Review

So for my music review I  looked through my mom's iPod and ended up listening to a song  from 1982 called "Come Eileen" by Dexys Midnight. This song is definitley a one hit wonder for the band because my mom doesn't even know any other songs by them. The song it self has a good beat and is definatley a dance song. Even  though I find a lot of fast paced songs a song that you can dance to, this one really is. When I was listening to (even  for the first time), I found myself dancing around my room to it. The song itself it pretty decent. I found myself liking it a lot. I am not going to lie, most of the music I listen to a majority of the time is very modern. It was definitley a change listening to a song that is alomost thirty years old. If I was to rate this song on a scale of one to ten (ten being AMAZING!), I would give this song about an eight. I actually liked it and I even dowloaded it onto my iPod. I also recommend listening to it if you haven't yet.

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