Friday, November 19, 2010

The Puritans

The Puritans

The Puritans have history of being as very extreme when it comes to religion. They are extreme in all aspects of life. They believe that unless you are totally and 100% with them, you’re the devil. They are very strong believers in God and very passionate in their faith.

Something that is interesting about them though is that there are two groups of them.  There are the “separating” Puritans and the non-separating. Both groups had settled in New England in Massachusetts. The separating ones settled up in Plymouth while the non-separating settled the Plymouth Bay Colony.

The separating Puritans had believed that the Church of England was corrupt and that in order to preserve their religion they had to completely separate. These were the more extreme Puritans. They were very strict and wanted to completely reform religion and themselves.

The non-separating Puritans were the ones who were not as extreme as the others. They believed that the Church had to be reformed but not necessarily separate from them. They were not thrilled with the Church of England’s beliefs and just wanted to reform. They were still strict, but definitely not as extreme as the others.

Both groups, however, were believers in predestination and they very conservative lifestyle. They strongly believed that they God had decided what would happen to them before they were born and there was nothing they could do about it.

Everyone thinks that all the Puritans are very strict and that they all were out to get witches but really that was only the ones that were set on separating from the Church. They also though they were one group of people in Salem and Plymouth, but they were all over Massachusetts. I admit that I am one of them. But actually there are lots of different ones all over that were no were as extreme.

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