Thursday, December 16, 2010

Music Review

So for my music review I  looked through my mom's iPod and ended up listening to a song  from 1982 called "Come Eileen" by Dexys Midnight. This song is definitley a one hit wonder for the band because my mom doesn't even know any other songs by them. The song it self has a good beat and is definatley a dance song. Even  though I find a lot of fast paced songs a song that you can dance to, this one really is. When I was listening to (even  for the first time), I found myself dancing around my room to it. The song itself it pretty decent. I found myself liking it a lot. I am not going to lie, most of the music I listen to a majority of the time is very modern. It was definitley a change listening to a song that is alomost thirty years old. If I was to rate this song on a scale of one to ten (ten being AMAZING!), I would give this song about an eight. I actually liked it and I even dowloaded it onto my iPod. I also recommend listening to it if you haven't yet.

Winter Poem

The snow is falling
All white, pretty, and perfect
Outside all is calm

There is no loud noise
As I sit inside all warm
Watching the snow fall

Gazing at the world
Through the window all is calm
No one to disrupt

As the snow fall ends
I get up to leave the room
Then it starts again

The snow is falling
All white, pretty, and perfect
Outside all is calm

Friday, November 19, 2010

I am a Plow

I am a Plow

I am a plow.

Every day I have to plow till I’m done.

I have to make sure that everything is gathered up.


Because that’s what I’m suppose to do.

That is why.

Do I like to do this?

Day in and day out?

I can’t give a straight answer on that.

Again why?

It depends on the day.

Some days are good.

And you know what?

Some days are bad.

That is life though.

There are ups.

There are downs.

There is nothing we can do about it.

We have to get through it though.

We cannot give up.


You ask why again.

Because if we give up, nothing gets done.

There are days I don’t want to plow.

Believe me, there are a lot of them.
But I never give up.


Because I have to do it.

There is really no choice.

Want to know there is no choice?

Because I am inanimate object.

I am a plow.

The Puritans

The Puritans

The Puritans have history of being as very extreme when it comes to religion. They are extreme in all aspects of life. They believe that unless you are totally and 100% with them, you’re the devil. They are very strong believers in God and very passionate in their faith.

Something that is interesting about them though is that there are two groups of them.  There are the “separating” Puritans and the non-separating. Both groups had settled in New England in Massachusetts. The separating ones settled up in Plymouth while the non-separating settled the Plymouth Bay Colony.

The separating Puritans had believed that the Church of England was corrupt and that in order to preserve their religion they had to completely separate. These were the more extreme Puritans. They were very strict and wanted to completely reform religion and themselves.

The non-separating Puritans were the ones who were not as extreme as the others. They believed that the Church had to be reformed but not necessarily separate from them. They were not thrilled with the Church of England’s beliefs and just wanted to reform. They were still strict, but definitely not as extreme as the others.

Both groups, however, were believers in predestination and they very conservative lifestyle. They strongly believed that they God had decided what would happen to them before they were born and there was nothing they could do about it.

Everyone thinks that all the Puritans are very strict and that they all were out to get witches but really that was only the ones that were set on separating from the Church. They also though they were one group of people in Salem and Plymouth, but they were all over Massachusetts. I admit that I am one of them. But actually there are lots of different ones all over that were no were as extreme.

Modern Slavery

Modern Slavery

Slavery. When you think of it, what comes to mind? My guess is back in 1800s in the South right? They were working on plantations, picking cotton and was abolished after a huge war (The Civil War). You must also be thinking that it is 2010, there is no more slavery going on with all the equal rights laws. Well I have some news for you and you are WRONG.

There is still a ton of slavery out in the world. Just because it is no seen here (because it is illegal), but there are plenty of countries were it still goes on and it’s a huge problem. Some of our everyday items are products of slave labor. It is very unfortunate that such a horrible, cruel thing still exists and it does.

But don’t get to upset, there are humanitarian groups out there trying to end it, but that will take years and years to do. But it’s a start right? And everyone can help by not being ignorant. And that is the key! 

Hero or Stooge?

Hero or Stooge??

That’s the question when it comes to John Proctor. He totally allowed himself to be killed because he refused to lie about who he was. He was accused of witch craft and would have lived if he confessed, but he didn’t and that kind of makes him a hero. He had the opportunity to live and he didn’t choose that. He died doing something he believed in like many other people in history have.

I definitely commend him for standing up for what he believed. I probably just would not be so brave. And that actually was what John was. He was brave to die for his beliefs. Which is what hero is, someone who stands up for what they believe in. He was able to say that John Proctor is his name and he isn’t going to sign it away. That makes him very brave in my opinion and it makes him a hero.

Us vs. Them

Us vs. Them

This seems to come up a lot in our society. Us vs. them, you vs. me, girls vs. boys, Democrat vs. Republican, etc. There is always an “us” and a “them.” When this happens, there is usually a disagreement an something. It could be anything from political view to religion to an answer to a simple question. The divide really happens from someone believing that they are right and the other person is wrong. Everyone has experienced this happening at some point in their lives and it most definitely is going to happen again.

People separate themselves from others because they believe that point A is right and point B is wrong. This happens on every subject know. Someone can think that they are one hundred percent right (making said person the “us”) on pretty much anything happens and anyone who disagrees would become the “them.”

This is just how our society tends to work now, in the past and most defiantly the future. But, what really matters is how get past these differences right??

Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God

Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God

“The wrath of God is like great waters…” These are the opening words to Jonathon Edwards’ Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God speech. Already the speech seems crazy and that is just eight words.

I personally think that this speech is very over the top and scary. I would be totally freaked out if someone was telling me these words. It really goes over board with these words. They personally are very frightening and extreme. His beliefs are very extreme as well. Believing that humans have no chance of being redeemed at all is ridiculous.  Also thinking that God is ready to shoot you dead at any moment, metaphorically of course, is one the craziest things I have ever heard.

The whole speech is crazy to begin with, but these points especially give me the creeps. He just seems so violent and displeased with human society and there is nothing you can do about it. He really freaks people out and is completely crazy when giving this speech. Personally, I think this a crazy speech and quite frankly ridiculous. I know some people may agree with him (especially people from like four hundred years ago), but I don’t and that’s just my opinion.